Midjourney Pricing Plans
For the most up-to-date information about Midjourney plans and pricing, please check the official Midjourney Plans comparison.
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Midjourney has a number of plans. Each plan is paid monthly or yearly. Each plan gives you a specific number of GPU hours that you can use to generate images, upscale and perform other actions in Midjourney.
In this guide we try to explain how many images you can generate with each plan.
How many images can you generate with Midjourney Basic plan?
The basic plan in Midjourney gives you 3.3 GPU hours/month. It costs $10/month or $96/year. Prices are in USD.
The average job takes about 1 GPU minute to generate an image.
For the Midjourney Basic plan, you should be able to generate about 200 images in fast mode.
How many images can you generate with Midjourney Standard plan?
The basic plan in Midjourney gives you 15 GPU hours/month. It costs $30/month or $288/year. Prices are in USD.
The average job takes about 1 GPU minute to generate an image.
For the Midjourney Standard plan, you should be able to generate about 900 images in fast mode.
How many images can you generate with Midjourney Pro plan?
The basic plan in Midjourney gives you 30 GPU hours/month. It costs $60/month or $576/year. Prices are in USD.
The average job takes about 1 GPU minute to generate an image.
For the Midjourney Pro plan, you should be able to generate about 1,800 images in fast mode.
How many images can you generate with Midjourney Mega plan?
The basic plan in Midjourney gives you 60 GPU hours/month. It costs $120/month or $1152/year. Prices are in USD.
The average job takes about 1 GPU minute to generate an image.
For the Midjourney Mega plan, you should be able to generate about 3,600 images in fast mode.
Number of Images Calculation Formula
Things to watch out for
The calculations above are an estimate. These things will cost your more:
- Upscaling (this is not applicable when using ImagineAPI.dev … upscaling costs you nothing)
- Using a quality value that's higher than 1 (--q 2 for example)
- Using non standard (square) aspect ratios
- Turbo mode will cost twice the normal price (so you get half the images you normally would)